$ 649.57
- Description
- Size Guide
Good, Working WELCH ALLYN GRASON STADLER GSI 61 CLINICAL AUDIOMETER 2 CHANNEL 1761-97XX.TDH-39 Headphones, B71 Bone Oscillator, Patient response Button, Hospital Grade Power Cord, 1.5m 1/4" Patch Cord, 2 x 1/4" 1 Foot Patch Cords, 4 x 1/4" Grey Wire Patch Cords, and Audiometer Box will be included.
General Specifications
• 19.68”(W) x 15.35”(D) x 12.59”(H) (LCD raised)
• Height with LCD lowered – 5.9”
• Weight: 19.18lb
• Shipping Weight: 29.98lb
• Power Consumption: 90 Watts
Pure Tone – Channels 1 and 2
Frequency Range:
• Air Conduction: 125Hz to 12,000 Hz
• High Frequency:* 8,000 Hz to 20,000 Hz
• Bone Conduction: 250 Hz to 8,000 Hz
• Sound Field:* 250 Hz to 12,000 Hz (8,000 Hz to
16,000 Hz with High Frequency option enabled
along with basic speakers)
• Paired Insert:* 125 Hz to 8,000Hz
• Single Insert:* 250 Hz to 6,000 Hz
• <_ 2% (earphones and paired insert phones*)
• <_ 5% (bone vibrator)
Intensity Range:**
• Air Conduction: -10 dB HL to 120 dB HL
• High Frequency:* -20 dB HL to 100 dB HL
(with Sennheiser HDA 200 Phones)
• Bone Conduction
- Mastoid: -10 dB HL to 80 dB HL
- Forehead: -20 dB HL to 70 dB HL
• Sound Field (basic speakers):* -10 dB HL to
90 dB HL
• Paired Inserts:* -10 dB HL to 110 dB HL
• Single Inserts:* -10 dB HL to 100 dB HL
Masking Intensity Range:
(Calibrated in effective masking)
• Narrow Band Noise: Maximum dB HL is 15 dB
below tone
• White Noise: Maximum dB HL is 30 dB below
Speech – Channels 1 and 2
• Microphone: For live voice testing and communications.
• External A and External B: Accepts recorded
speech material from external stereo tape cassette or CD player
Intensity Range:
• Air Conduction: -10 dB HL to 105 dB HL
• Bone Conduction
- Mastoid: -10 dB HL to 65 dB HL
- Forehead: -10 dB HL to 55 dB HL
• Sound Field (basic speakers):* -10 dB HL to
90 dB HL
• Paired Inserts:* -10 dB HL to 95 dB HL
• Single Inserts:* -10 dB HL to 95 dB HL
Masking Intensity Range:
• Speech Noise:
- Air Conduction (TDH 50P and Insert Phones*)
and Bone Conduction: Maximum dB HL are
the same as the speech type signals
• Sound Field (basic speakers): -10 dB HL to
80 dB HL
• White Noise: Equal to Speech Noise
Signal Format
• Steady: Tone Continuously present
• Pulsed: Tone pulsed 200 msec ON, 200 msec OFF
• FM: Tone modulated +5% of center frequency
at a rate of 5 Hz.
Special Test Capabilities
: Tone alternating between Channel 1 and
Channel 2. Channel 1 is 400 msec ON, 400
msec OFF followed by Channel 2, 400 msec
ON, 400 msec OFF.
: An intensity increment is added to a tone
in the selected channel for 200 msec, every 5
seconds. The HL increments are available in 1,2
or 5 dB steps.
High Frequency
: Pure tone testing in the frequency range of 8,000 Hz to 20,000 Hz using
High Frequency phones. The frequencies available for testing are: 8,000 Hz, 9,000 Hz, 10,000
Hz, 11,200 Hz, 12,500 Hz, 14,000 Hz, 16,000
Hz, 18,000 Hz and 20,000 Hz (Optional)
Communications and Monitoring
Talk Forward
: Permits the tester to speak
through the test microphone into the selected
transducer at the intensity level set by the front
panel controls.
Talk Back
: Allows the tester to listen to
comments from the subject in the testing booth.
: The monitor headset or monitor
speaker can be used by the tester to listen to
Channel 1, Channel 2 and/or Talk Back signals